
I always say, “Grief is the most complex emotion we will ever face as humans.” There’s really no rhyme or reason for how we go about processing loss. It’s different for everyone and dependent on the relationship, timing, and even how we reconcile what comes after death. However you are grieving, unless it’s harming yourself or others, is okay. There’s no time limit on grief. You never really heal you simply learn how to integrate the loss into your life. Each anniversary, holiday, and special occasion will feel, even just a little bit, different. That’s okay. It’s okay to be sad, angry, relieved, or any other combination of emotions. However, grieving alone can make the loss much harder to integrate. That’s why I believe group counseling can be one of the best tools for families grieving perinatal loss. Having other families to share in your grief can help lighten the burden and allow you to feel seen and supported during such a devastating time. If you have experienced perinatal loss and are feeling isolated and alone please reach out to get linked with a group that is right for you.